
Senin, 12 Mei 2014

Sekilas Biodata tentang penulis

I was a student in one of the main academy in Banda Aceh , the academy of obstetrics muhammadiyah Banda Aceh . I was born in Kota Pinang , Labuan Batu District South . 29 september 1995. My name is Selina Novela 19 years of my life I have 2 sisters and 3 younger brothers , they were Nuri Ramadhani , Firman Reynaldi , Dinda Ade Lianda , Muhammad Khairul Habibi and Raja Erlamdiansyah , I also have a very great parents . they are heroes in my life . I am very fond of them . without them I am nobody . I Thanking you very much for all their service and sacrifice for me . they are encouraging , protective , driving , motivation for me .
my great desire to make them happy , make them a sweet smile and cry happy with my success . father , mother not shortchanged your services , , love you all time ..
Now , I am lucky to have a mybeloved he is Roby Darwis Hasibuan .
so and thank you .
author : chellyna Novela

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